Frequently asked questions about couples counseling and sex therapy
However, if a partner suffers from a mental illness - such as depression - we generally speak of couples therapy, since we also take the course of this illness into account. Your expert support for the couple is particularly helpful here, as we can offer you due to our qualification as alternative practitioners in the field of psychotherapy.
Sex therapy is a specialized field that deals with sexual functioning and dysfunction. It helps individuals and couples understand their sexual problems and find solutions to improve their sexual health and well-being.
While both areas aim to address sexual issues, sex counseling focuses more on information, education and practical advice. Sex therapy, on the other hand, digs deeper into the psychological and emotional aspects of sexual problems and uses therapeutic techniques to treat them.
Not necessarily. Individuals can come to sex therapy alone. However, in some cases it can be helpful if the partner participates, especially if the sexual issues affect the relationship.
Sex therapy is suitable for anyone who has difficulties or concerns about their sexuality. This can include problems with sexual function, sexual desire, sexual identity, or other sexual problems.
Sex therapy addresses problems and concerns related to sexuality. It can help overcome insecurities, promote sexual arousal, and treat many other sexual issues individuals or couples may be experiencing.
Insecurity in particular can have a very negative impact on sexuality, and here just a few counseling sessions can make a big difference
A typical one-on-one session typically lasts 50-60 minutes and a typical couples session 75-90 minutes, but may vary if deemed necessary depending on the needs of the couple or individual.
The frequency of the sessions depends on the couple's specific situation and needs. Some couples benefit from weekly sessions while others only need monthly sessions.
In the course of a counseling process, the rhythm can also change, for example every 14 days at the beginning, later monthly, and again more frequently in crises.
No, in couples counseling and sex therapy, all topics that affect the couple or you yourself can be addressed. It is important to speak openly and honestly about any concerns and feelings in order to receive the best possible support.
Confidentiality is a central aspect of our counseling and therapy offer. All conversations and information will be treated as strictly confidential and will not be passed on without your express consent. There are also no electronic records. Important: Doctors, health insurance companies and authorities will not receive any information for us without your consent, unless there is a risk to life and limb.
The best way to contact us is by email or using the contact form on the website. We will then arrange a free telephone information and initial consultation. There we can best answer further questions.
It is important that we get a personal impression of each other. For personal counseling and therapy in this area of life, the most important thing is that the client and therapist go well together!
We charge EUR 100 for individual appointments of 50-60 minutes and EUR 150 for couple appointments lasting 75-90 minutes. Discounts for social reasons are exceptionally possible if this can be implemented for us. In principle, there is also a discount from 10% when booking fixed bookings for several dates.
Payment is made either by bank transfer after invoicing or by EC card on site. Paypal payments are also possible against reimbursement of the Paypal fees. We don't have a barge.