Something for the first heavy moments of the coming week. Something special. A wonderful insight in words by Ulla Sebastian!
"I realized that if I wanted to experience joy in my life, I have to cultivate joy. Joy is the quality that springs from the heart when it opens to the flow of life. Certain principles facilitate or hinder this access. These principles are self-responsibility, forgiveness, gratitude and service to others. "
"Our life situations reflect that with which we agree at heart. It is a good and healing exercise to recount each evening the riches of our lives. "
And if that's hard ... so damn hard ...?
"It's like toothache. Without the pain, I would not know that the tooth needs treatment. Mental pain is a sign that my emotional or intellectual world is out of whack. "
"Pushing away the pain is not a solution. He comes back as a physical pain. The solution is to look at what the pain wants to tell us and to change the things that are at its root. Sometimes this takes many years. But in my experience, time does not matter anymore, when I know I'm on the right track. "